Cynthia Sharpe
Cynthia Sharpe

After suffering excruciating pain caused from car accidents, Cynthia sought out various modalities to help ease and rid herself of pain. Although she had continued to receive energy work throughout her pregnancy, it wasn't until she had her son, that she needed to seek additional help in preparing him for open heart surgery. It incentivized her to become his healer, and that of herself and her family.


Access Bars:
32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily releases anything that doesn't allow you to receive. This is the greatest facilitation for those seeking change from stagnant physical, emotional and mental patterns. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.

The tool of choice for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning; can have a major effect on the Immune System. Can be used 1000’s of different ways, and each time it creates a different possibility.

Cellular Memory:
Reverses the effects of trauma and scar tissue on the body. It is about unlocking the cells from a point of view in which they have been stuck so that they can go back to doing what they are supposed to be doing. This process in incredibly dynamic creating seeming miracles by allowing the body to choose to heal. It is extremely powerful.

Restoration of Communion with Earth:
A body process that begins to restore the body's communion with Earth. A very grounding and calming body process.