Sandra Petty
Sandra Petty

Sandy graduated from Fellowships of The Spirit on May 28, 2015 in Lily Dale, N.Y. with a Metaphysician Certificate and received her Ordination. She is also a 2007 graduate of The Four Winds where she was trained by Alberto Villoldo PH.D.. The Q’ero Shamans of Peru are connected to the school. After graduation, Sandy traveled to the Amazon Jungle and Peru where she and a small group were led on expeditions by the Q’ero Shamans. After going through her own intense healing, Sandy’s greatest passion is to assist her clients in their own healing. She does this in her own unique way by using her own gifts and her training.

Soul Retrievals… Sandy journeys outside of ordinary time and space and retrieves information from four chambers that is vital for the healing of the client’s issue. She will provide tools to assist the client to move forward and create a happier life.

Private Despacho Ceremony… This is the Core Ceremony of the Q’ero Shamans and creates the opportunity for the client to shift things in their lives at the energetic level and manifest their intentions. This Ceremony brings us into “ANYI” which means right relationship with the Universe and from that place we are able to “dream our world into being”.

Seraphim Blueprint Healings (multi-dimensional), Reiki Healings, Shaman Healings…All healings include Chakra clearing and balancing and cord cutting. During Sandy’s healings, she hears Spirit and is guided through the whole healing process. She also receives messages for the client during their healing to assist them on their path.

Spiritual Intuitive Readings, OH Card Reading which are unique and unfamiliar to most clients. It’s a reading from two decks of cards. One deck of cards contains only pictures and symbols and the other deck contains words which is the fame for the picture card. After the two cards are drawn, I use my intuitive gifts to give the reading. If you want to get to the core of something in your life, or see what being hidden from you I would suggest this type of reading.